Figure represents gross pathologic coronal (A) and axial (B) images showing the position and slope of the plane that must be chosen on the TC film to measure the Radial Width of the Temporal Horn. Figure 1A shows the plane that allows to outline hippocampal atrophy in the point of bigger width of temporal horn. The plane must pass through the intermediate portion of hippocampus, in rostro-caudal direction (1A), and must cut the hippocampus along all its lenght (1B). This is the plane of the temporal lobe.


Figure represents the scout view of the acquisition technique with MR. The slices must be acquired on the plane of temporal horn (hatched oblique lines). This is tilted of about 20 deg. respect to the orbito-metal line (horizontal hatched line). Slices of the same thickness (2 mm) must be acquired along all the extension of the temporal horn, and 8-10 mm cranially, and if necessary, caudally to it.