Edited by
Laboratory of Epidemiology and Neuroimaging
I.R.C.C.S. San Giovanni di Dio, Fatebenefratelli
Centro Alzheimer, Brescia
Who we are
Our history, staff, collaborations...
Scientific Research
Projects, scientific products, institutional research...
Evidence-based tools
Diagnostic tools, guide lines for Alzheimer's disease...
Events and meetings
Scientific meetings, training for families...
Where we are
How to reach us, information...
Our history
Diagnostic criteria
Alzheimer's marker
      with CT

CT vascular scale V2.0
Scientific products
RM Atrophy index
CT Atrophy index


LONGEVITY AND APOLIPOPROTEIN E: the Centenarians' secret...
February 2001

POP MUSIC AND FRONTOTEMPORAL DEMENTIA : frontotemporal dementia: not only a loss...
Dicember 2000


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Laboratory of Epidemiology & Neuroimaging
 I.R.C.C.S. San Giovanni di Dio - FBF  via Pilastroni, 4 25125 BS
Tel: 030 3501361  -  Fax: 02700435727  -  E-mail: [email protected]

Version: English  Italiano  Cinese

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